Wednesday, September 10, 2008

NO pain, NO gain...........

and this morning I have a lot of pain. I went yesterday and joined the local Gym here. Lauren invited me to start going with her a few nights a week and work off a few pounds.
I also invited another friend, so there was 3 of us. We had a great time. It was easier being with other GALZ. We worked out for about an hour or so.
My legs feel like noodles this morning.
On a funny note, I told Matthew (my son) that I was gonna start going to the gym and working out and I thought I was gonna have to pick him up off the floor from laughing(smart butt).
I'll show him,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hmmmm. Ya know 17 yr olds don't think their parents can do anything.

lasley sign


Anonymous said...

You go girl!!! Show Matt what you can do.....he is a sweet boy though. After all he belongs to "Granny's Sweeties."

Lauren said...

I am so glad you're going. It makes me feel also makes me feel better that I'm not the only one who feels like Jell-o in the morning. ;)

Amanda Ledford said...

Yay for you and Lauren! That is awesome! I need to get back to working out. I have become a pilates drop out. ;)